Gene Couch


As the president of Virginia Business College, Gene Couch draws on over three decades of experience in education, during which he has served in a range of leadership roles. In his current position, as the president of this new College, Dr. Couch is responsible for the initial approvals, accreditation, developing systems, processes, policies, curriculum and the recruitment of administrators, faculty, and the first class of students.

In addition to serving as the four-year College's chief executive officer, he also oversaw the upgrading of the facilities acting as as "General Contractor" to ready the campus for staff and faculty. Prior to his experience at the Virginia Business College, he has experience leading Virginia Highlands Community College, where he was president for four plus years.

While there, Gene Couch oversaw approximately 4,500 students, of which 1,000 were non-credit, with these working toward a range of associate degrees, diplomas, and career studies certificates.

An alumnus of East Tennessee State University, he was inducted into its Clemmer College of Education Alumni Hall of Fame in 2016. He was also inducted into the Southwest Virginia Community College Alumni Hall of Fame in 2001.
